Thursday 19 May 2011

An added note of excitedness!

I've just found this hilarious selection of videos. Now, I've never watched Jersey Shore, but I have no doubt I would hate it, and find the American "stars" of the show irritating yet hilarious for their general stupidity (this isn't a judgement on Americans in general, I like Americans, but shows like this wouldn't do well if they chose to follow interesting, intelligent people would it? Human nature)

So the stars of Broadway's The 39 Steps, learnt some of the transcripts from the show, and acted them out, Oscar Wilde styley, complete with plumby English accents. Genius. Watch it HERE

Also, if you're anything like me, you're hugely excited about the upcoming The Hobbit film, from the team that brought us the incredible Lord of the Rings trilogy. If you are, follow Peter Jackson, the films' director on Facebook, which also has updates on other projects he is involved in, such as TinTin, and also general news and insights, and his blog, with behind the scenes footage of the filming process. Tis tres awesome, non?


Technology and doors both hate me!

Finally, I have a new vlog up, after a week of technology being a bastard! My computer's very poorly at the moment.

Anyway, how are we all? I have an awesome lin
k for you to this....BBC Radio 2 celebrating Bob Dylan's 70th birthday. Totally listen, 'tis sehr, sehr, SEHR gut! picture of the day iiiiiiiissssss.....not chosen yet, so give me a moment.....

It's of Shrewsbury Folk Festival, which I'm going to this year, and am dead excited about. Listening to the Bob Dylan programme on the Radio has got me all in the folky mood so....hence the theme. If you're interested in going here's a link....HERE!

The line up is absolutely incredible (The only person missing that would have topped it off for me is Seth Lakeman, but hey, you can't have it all)

I'll leave links to other folky festivals throughout the weeks, 'cos they're well worth going to. I wish I could afford them all. One day, I'll do a summer of just travelling around from festival to festival, but til then, I'll stick with Shrewsbury. Actually, I'm going to a couple of others, but they're only a day long each. Links HERE And HERE

So, I hope people are watching my vlogs, and enjoying them. I get the impression they're not, but I suppose it takes a while doesn't it. Any ideas how I can make it more interesting and appealing?
Subscribe to my stuff if you like it. It's nice to know who's watching and reading regularly. Also, follow me on Twitter, and my website HERE. That would be lovely!

I'll be more interesting next time, I promise. Just stick with me and I'll get better at all this, I'm just finding my feet and feeling my way.



Thursday 12 May 2011

Oh, to have more money!

There is a flaw in women's fashion these days. Why, oh why are all women's decent t shirts only made in skinny fit? I hate, hate, HATE skinny fit, but usually really like the pictures and slogans on them. But they're always too tight under the arms and generally yucky to wear. But men's small t shirts (Which I find normally have better/funnier pictures and slogans on anyway) Are just cut wrong for the female form! We need more baggy fit women's t shirts.

So I've been looking for some, and have fou
nd an AWESOME website that sells unisex, baggy t shirts complete with awesome/amusing pictures/slogans, in abundance. So abundantly, in fact, that I could easily far £62!! ON T SHIRTS! The website is HERE.

And these are the t shirts I lik
e so far....yes, I know I'm a massive geek!

The Yaarwhal one doesn't really make sense, until you see THIS ONE, which my mate is buying...

Anyway...there are others too. By my favourite vloggers...yes...I know....massive geek!

Ok these ones are from the guys at CTFxC

And this one from The Shaytards

You should check these two channels out, they're seriously addictive watching. Really funny! I'm a bit, well...addicted.

So, I think that's about £115 worth of t shirts. Hmmmmmmm!

What else is new?.....
I filmed an episode of Holby City yesterday, with my big sister. That was awesome fun. My "part" is very blink and you'll miss it, not even a line to say, but...that's what I do, fill in the gaps in the background, professionaly. Lol. Holby has a wicked set. I'd never been on a permanent set before, and it was a strange experience. On film sets, that are built inside massive warehouses, once you open the warehouse door, you're on the set. But on Holby, it's just another corridor in their office building. I didn't even realise straight away that we had entered the set, it was just another generic corridor....until I saw the arrow to Darwin Ward and all the NHS signs, then my suspicions arose. secret, so keep it hush hush....the radiology suite...ISN'T A RADIOLOGY SUITE! It's a greenroom to keep the supporting artistes in, in between scenes! DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!

Well, that's about it I think....vlog on it's way on my Youtube channel, hopefully this evening. Don't forget to subscribe! :)


Saturday 7 May 2011

I'm Hungover and Sleep Deprived! BLEURGH! time. Today I have chosen this little gem from Mr Jim Moray....

It's one of the most passionate songs I know. The way he sings it is heartbreaking, and it gives me chills every time. I could literally listen to that song all day without getting bored. Just a shame it's not accompanied by a music video involving torrential rain.....mmmmmm.


Picture of day.....

This was painted by a geezer called Caspar David Friedric (Info on him HERE) He's my favourite artist. I like the mystery he adds to his art by painting the people always facing away from the viewer. I always wonder what they look like, and what they think of the view they're witnessing. LOVE! It also inspired the poster for The RSC's most recent incarnation of Hamlet, starring David Tennant. I saw this production a few years ago and LOVE IT SO MUCH! Here's the pretty poster....

I highly recommend you try and watch the dvd of this production. It's not the stage play filmed, but a film made very similarly to the stage play, on the stage...only, looking more.....filmy and less.....stagey. Can't explain, just watch! You can buy it HERE.

And here's today's Vlog. It's a bit of a random cos....well.....alcohol. You know how it is.

So that's it for today, 'cos I need sleep. Got my second rehearsal for my play tomorrow. Not relishing the experience, but hey.


Ps...can you see my writing well enough on this background, or should I have a block colour to make the text easier to see? I don't wanna, 'cos it'll cover up my pretty picture, but....if I have to, I will. Let me know!

Tuesday 3 May 2011

I like Things


I'm going to start a thing, because I like things. Things are fun. So every time I post a blog, I'm gonna post my "song of the day" and my "picture of the day". Just things that amaze me, or inspire me, or make me happy, or sad, or make me think, and that I think are worth sharing. But first of all, here's my latest's too big to post up here :(

It's not much, just clips of my Easter and of the Royal wedding weekend.

So I have an account on this website called, and basically, you tell it what your favourite subjects are (ie humour, art, photography, music etc) and it takes you to random websites, that, otherwise, you may never have found before. This is SERIOUSLY addictive! You should totally check it out. I'm telling you about it, because that's how my photo of the day was found. And here it is...

The full story behind this photo can be found HERE, but, basically, some dead creative guys put a skin over a speaker, put blobs of paint on the skin, played sound through the speaker a took highspeed photos. Totally worth a look, there's more pictures and a video. I love creative minds!

Now on to my music of the day. This is kinda two pieces of music in one, cos, it's a massive orchestral piece, with choirs and shiz, and then a kinda remixxy version. It's called Requiem For a Tower, and it's a reworking of Requiem For a Dream by Clint Mansell, made for a Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers trailer. This version was done by some guys called Simone Benyacar, Daniel Nielsen and Veigar Margeirsson. It's tres bon! Check it!

And then there's the remixxy version, by Escala....Check it here!
Awesome no? Oh, and I guess you should hear Clint Mansell's original too. Here
I think it was written for the Requiem for a Dream film....I assume so.

Anyway, that's it for today guys, hope you enjoy my little gems. Until next time,

