Thursday 19 May 2011

Technology and doors both hate me!

Finally, I have a new vlog up, after a week of technology being a bastard! My computer's very poorly at the moment.

Anyway, how are we all? I have an awesome lin
k for you to this....BBC Radio 2 celebrating Bob Dylan's 70th birthday. Totally listen, 'tis sehr, sehr, SEHR gut! picture of the day iiiiiiiissssss.....not chosen yet, so give me a moment.....

It's of Shrewsbury Folk Festival, which I'm going to this year, and am dead excited about. Listening to the Bob Dylan programme on the Radio has got me all in the folky mood so....hence the theme. If you're interested in going here's a link....HERE!

The line up is absolutely incredible (The only person missing that would have topped it off for me is Seth Lakeman, but hey, you can't have it all)

I'll leave links to other folky festivals throughout the weeks, 'cos they're well worth going to. I wish I could afford them all. One day, I'll do a summer of just travelling around from festival to festival, but til then, I'll stick with Shrewsbury. Actually, I'm going to a couple of others, but they're only a day long each. Links HERE And HERE

So, I hope people are watching my vlogs, and enjoying them. I get the impression they're not, but I suppose it takes a while doesn't it. Any ideas how I can make it more interesting and appealing?
Subscribe to my stuff if you like it. It's nice to know who's watching and reading regularly. Also, follow me on Twitter, and my website HERE. That would be lovely!

I'll be more interesting next time, I promise. Just stick with me and I'll get better at all this, I'm just finding my feet and feeling my way.



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