Thursday 12 May 2011

Oh, to have more money!

There is a flaw in women's fashion these days. Why, oh why are all women's decent t shirts only made in skinny fit? I hate, hate, HATE skinny fit, but usually really like the pictures and slogans on them. But they're always too tight under the arms and generally yucky to wear. But men's small t shirts (Which I find normally have better/funnier pictures and slogans on anyway) Are just cut wrong for the female form! We need more baggy fit women's t shirts.

So I've been looking for some, and have fou
nd an AWESOME website that sells unisex, baggy t shirts complete with awesome/amusing pictures/slogans, in abundance. So abundantly, in fact, that I could easily far £62!! ON T SHIRTS! The website is HERE.

And these are the t shirts I lik
e so far....yes, I know I'm a massive geek!

The Yaarwhal one doesn't really make sense, until you see THIS ONE, which my mate is buying...

Anyway...there are others too. By my favourite vloggers...yes...I know....massive geek!

Ok these ones are from the guys at CTFxC

And this one from The Shaytards

You should check these two channels out, they're seriously addictive watching. Really funny! I'm a bit, well...addicted.

So, I think that's about £115 worth of t shirts. Hmmmmmmm!

What else is new?.....
I filmed an episode of Holby City yesterday, with my big sister. That was awesome fun. My "part" is very blink and you'll miss it, not even a line to say, but...that's what I do, fill in the gaps in the background, professionaly. Lol. Holby has a wicked set. I'd never been on a permanent set before, and it was a strange experience. On film sets, that are built inside massive warehouses, once you open the warehouse door, you're on the set. But on Holby, it's just another corridor in their office building. I didn't even realise straight away that we had entered the set, it was just another generic corridor....until I saw the arrow to Darwin Ward and all the NHS signs, then my suspicions arose. secret, so keep it hush hush....the radiology suite...ISN'T A RADIOLOGY SUITE! It's a greenroom to keep the supporting artistes in, in between scenes! DUN DUN DUUUUUUN!

Well, that's about it I think....vlog on it's way on my Youtube channel, hopefully this evening. Don't forget to subscribe! :)


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